
Characteristics of nutrient absorption mechanism of small molecular peptides

What are the characteristics of the absorption mechanism of small molecular peptides? You know, let’s have a look.

1. Small molecular peptides can be directly absorbed without digestion

Traditional nutrition theory holds that protein can be absorbed and utilized by animals only after it is digested into free amino acids.

Recent studies have shown that most of the end products of protein digestion in the digestive tract are small peptides, and small peptides can completely enter the human circulation through intestinal mucosal cells

2. Small molecular peptides have fast absorption, low energy consumption and the carrier is not easy to saturate

It was found that the absorption rate of amino acid residues in small peptides in mammals was higher than that of free amino acids. Experiments show that small molecular peptides are easier and faster to be absorbed and utilized by the body than amino acids, and are not disturbed by anti nutritional factors

3. Small peptides are absorbed in intact form

Small peptides are not easy to be further hydrolyzed in the intestine and can be completely absorbed into the blood circulation. Small peptides in the blood circulation can directly participate in the synthesis of tissue proteins. In addition, small peptides can also be fully utilized in liver, kidney, skin and other tissues

4. The transport mechanism of small molecular peptides is very different from that of amino acids. In the process of absorption, there is no competition and antagonism with amino acid transport

5. Because of avoiding the competition with free amino acids in absorption, small molecular peptides can make the intake of amino acids more balanced and improve the efficiency of protein synthesis

For infants with immature digestive system, the elderly whose digestive system begins to deteriorate, athletes who urgently need to supplement nitrogen source but can not increase the burden of gastrointestinal function, and those with poor digestive ability, lack of nutrition, weak body and many diseases, if amino acids are supplemented in the form of small peptides, the absorption of amino acids can be improved and the body’s demand for amino acids and nitrogen can be met

6. Small molecular peptides can promote the absorption of amino acids

Absorption in the form of a mixture of small molecular peptides and amino acids is a good absorption mechanism for human body to absorb protein nutrition

7. Small molecular peptides can promote the absorption of minerals

Small molecular peptides can form chelates with mineral ions such as calcium, zinc, copper and iron to increase their solubility and facilitate the absorption of the body

8. After being absorbed by human body, small molecular peptides can directly act as neurotransmitters and indirectly stimulate the secretion of intestinal receptor hormones or enzymes

9. Small molecular peptides can promote the development of intestinal mucosal structure and function

Small molecular peptides can be preferentially used as energy substrates for the structural and functional development of intestinal mucosal epithelial cells, effectively promote the development and repair of intestinal mucosal tissue, so as to maintain the normal structure and skills of intestinal mucosa

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Post time: Aug-13-2021